Reassured by the beauty of the ordinary

“In college I took some sculpture electives and my sculptures tended to beat the viewer over the head with their message. For example there was the mask of a middle-aged man vomiting body parts and weapons as a protest piece against the Gulf War, or the skyscraper in the shape of a penis as commentary about capitalistism. Since then, I have developed some maturity and trust myself enough, and trust the viewer, to be more subtle with what I create”. - Alfie


“I have become more drawn to art that inspires, soothes, and/or induces contemplation. The goal of my own art is to remind myself and others of the beauty that is everywhere. Even in forgotten places, places other people disregard there is wonder. It is in the brambles on the side of the town ball field that one can find fluorescent bugs, twisting vines trembling as they reach skyward, and a menagerie of creatures including mice, moles, garter snakes and rabbits. In these spaces I find the fecundity and beauty of the ordinary reassuring. The pieces I am creating now are an attempt to use ordinary materials to highlight the beauty of the natural form”. - Alfie


“Wood pallets are made from what is normally considered ‘trash wood.’ This is the wood from which I create my art. The wood is altered as little as possible, with minimal sanding, cleaning or staining. The imperfections and abnormalities of the wood are the very things that make them attractive as material for these sculptures. I use the natural shapes and forms within the wood to mimic the shapes and forms found in the natural objects that are the subject of my work”. - Alfie


“Individually and as a whole, the pieces I create are an exploration of birth, death, and rebirth in both the human and the natural world. The subject matter and the material used are part of that exploration. The pieces are meant to create a sense of serenity and contemplation by juxtaposing beginning and end; whole and part; positive and negative space. The work is also an invitation to see beauty and the divine in the everyday”. - Alfie


“The creation of my pieces is a solitary, slow and repetitive process. When I am working on one, time slips away, as do thoughts of the outside world. While entering into this mental space is more rewarding than ever with the pandemic, social unrest and blatant ugliness fostered by our president, it has been more difficult to put myself in that space. I have been doing less art, despite needing it more. 

I think I have finally turned a corner and have been able to spend more time planning and creating pieces. There has been the temptation to create pieces that speak directly to what is going on in the world, but I quickly realize that what I need from my art is an escape”. - Alfie


"Having photographs of me and my artwork taken by Isabella was a great decision. The process was not stressful or intimidating - it was actually fun! Isabella was open to suggestions but also clear about what would look good and made that happen. Most importantly the pictures came out great! They showcase my work in a way that I just haven't been able to do before. The photos are pieces of art in their own right. People are seeing and reacting to the photos and the work in the photos with enthusiasm."  - Alfie
