A Special Family Night

Part of life in New England is making the most of the long summer days while they’re here. This sweet family of four did just that when we gathered at the Renaissance Center in Amherst for their family portrait session.

This family had young children and we met almost at their bed time, but we didn’t rush. In fact, the parents had told their children that they were meeting a photographer friend for a special family night out. We had a blast!  

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“Our two boys, 6 and 3, tend to be shy around unfamiliar people. Isabella’s friendly energy and contagious smile quickly made them feel right at home. The pictures Isabella took were not glamour shots of fake smiles. She elicited real joy and genuine warmth which shone through in the stunning photos. It will be impossible to decide which ones to frame! I have already recommended her to all my friends and we so look forward to working (and laughing) with her again soon.” - Olive

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As with all of my family sessions, we had chosen a beautiful location in advance, where we met approximately one hour before sunset. (The light is magical at this time of the day.) After we chatted for a few minutes, I guided the family towards a particular spot I like. 

My usual routine is to do some “warm up” photos, with the family standing up. From there, I ask them to sit down, then walk, and I encourage them to just enjoy being together. What ends up happening, as it did in this case, is a series of fun, intimate, silly moments that unfold all by themselves, with me simply ready behind the camera to capture them.  

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Genuine smiles…and more

This session was like a dance, a balance between directing my subjects, making them feel comfortable and relaxed, and interacting with them while also letting their connections and personalities come through. Rather than telling or asking the children (and parents) to smile or be in a pose they didn’t like, I knew I was much more likely to capture everyone’s true nature if they just had time to relax throughout our time together.

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You’re much more likely to feel relaxed if you are prepared for your session, and I find that people generally have questions about what to wear and how to best prepare young kids.

For this reason, I have dedicated pages to these topics! 

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There are a handful of things to take into consideration with small children, in order to have a fun and successful family session. Please read this very useful guide: Preparing your children for your shoot

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What to Wear

Part of the fun when scheduling a family session is choosing what you will be wearing. It is so important to wear something you’re comfortable in that genuinely reflects who you are. I also suggest coordinating (rather than matching) outfits with each other. 

Please read more here: A guide to help you select what your family should wear

I am always available to consult with you about this. Let’s make the most of these summer days!

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